Yösäilö vitrine gallery
4.9.–25.9.2020 Miska Allonen (member exhibition)
14.8.– 4.9.2020 Mariliina Valkama (member exhibition)
24.7.-14.8.2020 Laura Laukkanen (member exhibition)
3.7.-24.7.2020 Emmi Nieminen (member exhibition)
21.6.-7.8.2018 Katarina Karppinen
10.5.-19.6.2018 Annina Mannila & Aleksanteri Kovalainen
29.3.-8.5.2018 Alma Peltola
14.2.-27.3.2018 Sebastian Lindberg
4.1.-13.2.2018 Heidi Suikkanen
10.10.-21.11.2017 Teija Rintaluoma
31.8.-10.10.2017 Niina Lehtonen Braun
20.7.-29.8.2017 Eeva Meltio
23.11.-2.01.2018 Suohpanterror
8.6.-18.7.2017 Iiu Susiraja
27.4.-6.6.2017 Susanna Vuorio
16.3.-25.4.2017 Katri Yli-Erkkilä
1.2.-14.3.2017 Pasi Rauhala
15.12.2016-24.1.2017 Linda Sestrajcic
3.11.-13.12.2016 Pipsu Isola
22.9.-1.11.2016 Aurora Reinhard
16.8.-20.9.2016 Lasse Ursin
7.7.-9.8.2016 Tiina Lehikoinen
1.6.-5.7.2016 Tuomas Tiainen
Tampere Kunsthalle events
22.-23.4.2023 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
23.-24.4.2022 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
28.-29.8.2021 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
4.-7.9.2021 Konstrundan, Tampereen Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
29.-30.8.2020 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
27.-28.4.2019 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
28.-29.4.2018 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2018 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
21.12.2017 The Short Film Day, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
13.7.2017 Art Solutions, SuomiAreena, Pori, Finland
28.5.2017 Professional Round Table Discussion: Multifunctionality in Galleries, Art Fair Suomi, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland
22.-23.4.2017 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2017 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
25.-26.3.2017 Timo Bredenberg – Planned Obsolescence, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
21.12.2016 The Short Film Day, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
5.-6.10.2016 Lecture, Taiteen käyttöopas: seminar and workshop, Mediapolis Tampere, Finland
1.6.-10.9.2016 Public artwork, EmojiTre (Hinni Huttunen & Laura Laukkanen), Kuninkaankatu, Tampere Tunnetuksi ry, Tampere, Finland 15.6.2016 Art Solutions, superb! event ensemble, B-galleria, Turku, Finland
23.-24.4.2016 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2016 event, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
19.4.2016 Perfo! Beginner’s Night, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
13.-21.2.2016 Art Bae exhibition, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
Tesoma Kunsthalle events
25.-27.9.2015 Suburban Art Run Seminar as a part of 6th Triennial of Pirkanmaa, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
5.9.-.15.10.2015 6th Triennial of Pirkanmaa, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
1.5.-15.6.2015 Visualization of Research Information with the students of School of Social Sciences and Humanities and OmaTesoma project, Tampere, Finland
18.-19.4.2015 Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus 2015 event, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
14.4.2015 Educational day for the students of Praxis Master’s Programme of Academy of Fine Arts, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
23.4.2015 Educational Day for the graduating students of Degree Programme in Fine Art of Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
15.2.2015 Restaurant Day, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland 26.1.2015 Kritiikkipiiri meeting, TAT Autonomous Art School of Tampere, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
12.1.2015 Article review on last year, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
16.12.2015 #UusiArki, Vernissage of the Poster exhibition and Christmas sale of students of School of Social Sciences and Humanities and OmaTesoma project, Länsikeskus, Tampere, Finland
15.12.2015 Planning meeting, TAT Autonomous Art School of Tampere, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
6.12.2014 Kolmen Onnen Juhla networking event, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
10.12.2014 Poster workshop and educational day for the students of School of Social Sciences and Humanities and OmaTesoma project, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
10.9.2014 Networking event and exhibition, Tesoma Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
2016 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Region of Pirkanmaa 2015 Production grant for Tesoma Kunsthalle and Tehonrakentajat Association, City of Tampere
Appearances in media
SuomiAreena: 130. Neljä ratkaisua tulevaisuuden osaajille, mtv.fi, 13.7.2017 Jenni Stammeier, Näin ankeat betonilaatikot muutuvat taiteeksi, Yle Kulttuuricocktail,
22.3.2016 Nina Lehtinen, Tesoma tekee pispalat omilla ehdoillaan, Aamulehti, 30.8.2015 Laura Laukkanen, Lähellä sinua — kaukana kaikesta, Täydellinen ympyrä, 1/2015