15.12.2016 – 24.1.2017
Linda Sestrajcic // The Echo of Nike Choir
Pispalan valtatie 131, Tampere
Avoinna / Open 24/7
Lisätietoja / More information: www.tampereentaidehalli.fi
The Echo of Nike Choir
Linda Sestrajcic (b. 1989)
Stockholm, Sweden
A poster with still images making a mini-series of the video piece The Echo of Nike Choir. The video consists of fragmented pieces of stories, told by seven women of the group * Nike Women.
* Nike Women is a group consisting of women with disability pension. The group started as a integration- and educational project, but also serving as social meeting place to overcome exclusion and isolation.
My first encounter with the Nike Women was through my mother, who is a member of the group.
It started with the project Dedicated to the Nike Women, where I organized a private vernissage and dinner for the group in their meeting facilities. This with the aim to together with the women create a platform for art discussion outside of the established art world.
This inspired me to develop the relationship to the women and to continue working with them. I invited the women to tell stories from their lives during a film set situation, without demands of specific topics or having a pre-written manuscript. Which created an open and comfortable situation where they could speak freely. The collected footage became the film piece The Echo of Nike Choir.
Yösäilö (eng. Night Safe) gallery is vitrine gallery founded in 2016. The gallery is located at the entrance of Tampere Kunsthalle. Each exhibition is curated by one of the members of Tampere Kunsthalle. Works that consider the historical, political and economical context and the public space surrounding the gallery are emphasized in the curating process. Yösäilö gallery is free of charge for the artist.
Tampere Kunsthalle (former Tesoma Kunsthalle) is a is a collective, self-organized studio and do-it-yourself-exhibition space all in one.
There will be no vernissage for this exhibition. Information on any possible events will be released later.
Facebook-event of the exhibition is HERE!
Tampere Kunsthalle’s Facebook-page HERE!
Tampereen Taidehalli
Pispalan valtatie 131
33270 Tampere