Yösäilö 24.7.2020 -14.8.2020
Laura Laukkanen
Spoiler Alert: Hänen tarina Pispalan valtatie 131, Tampere
Avoinna / Open 24/7
Lisätietoa / More information: www.tampereentaidehalli.fi
Spoiler Alert.
Their Story, 2020
Netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet. Spoiler alert has evolved into a catchphrase that indicates emphathy and politeness. At the same time we are utmost afraid of spoiling other people experiences or being spoiled by others. I am interested in this fluctuation between netiquette and etiquette. Has the taboo of spoiling narratives expanded into real life threat? What actually happens when a story or an experience is spoiled?
Laura Laukkanen (b. 1984) Laura Laukkanen works mainly with installation and video. She is thematically interested in social interaction in everyday life. Her starting points can often be found in haptic and sculptural properties. www.laura laukkanen.com
Yösäilö (eng. Night Safe) gallery is vitrine gallery founded in 2016. The gallery is located at the entrance of Tampere Kunsthalle. Each exhibition is curated by one of the members of Tampere Kunsthalle. Works that consider the historical, political and economical context and the public space surrounding the gallery are emphasized in the curating process. Yösäilö gallery is free of charge for the artist. Tampere Kunsthalle (former Tesoma Kunsthalle) is a is a collective, self-organized studio and do-it-yourself-exhibition space all in one.
Tampereen Taidehalli
Pispalan valtatie 131 33270 Tampere